
subject: Linguistics type: dataset

Total is 16 Results
Motion Predicates: Moving Along. A tool for the analysis of the sub-eventive structure in motion predicates.


Elena E. Benedicto, 0000-0001-7797-3159


Motion Predicates: Moving Along is an application for linguistic analysis that was designed to elicit linguistic productions about motion predicates.

English Linguistics Motion Predicates Serial Verb Constructions syntactic representation of sub-eventive predicate structure syntax-morphology

Motion Predicates in Taiwan Mandarin—A Linguistic Dataset


Pin-hsi Chen, 0000-0002-1235-1778


The dataset contains linguistic data elicited from three Taiwan Mandarin speakers with a software that randomly displays motion events. The data are the utterances produced by the speakers when they described the events.

Audio Recording Chinese ELAN files Linguistics Mandarin motion events Motion Predicates Taiwan

Acoustic properties of non-native clear speech: Korean speakers of English


Olga Dmitrieva, Ye-Jee Jung, 0000-0002-8598-4023


Each .csv file provides information about Speaker Group, Speaking Style, and Voicing (for some models) that are used as fixed effects, along with dependent variables (i.e. each acoustic parameter).

clear speech English Hyperarticulation Korean Linguistics

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